Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Chevy, GM Seek To Beat The $1.1 Million Raised In 2011 For Breast Cancer!


Chevrolet, along with General Motors employees, dealers, and customers, are renewing their commitment to fight breast cancer for 2012. The groups are looking to surpass the nearly $1.1 million raised by the American Cancer Society via Chevy’s nationwide grassroots assistance.

The Bow Tie brand is launching several October events to drum up financial support for the cause, starting with GM’s worldwide headquarters at the Renaissance Center in Detroit being lit with pink bands to commemorate Breast Cancer Awareness Month. For the first time, the Chevy Spark will be present and accounted for: a special “Pink Out” Spark wears a production-spec Techno Pink hue and is decorated with custom pink elements inside and out. Designed to honor breast cancer survivors and supporters, the “Pink Out” Spark will visit community walks throughout October.

In 2011, The Bow Tie brand’s support raised $1,079,633 in contributions to Making Strides Against Breast Cancer for the American Cancer Society. The funds go to funding research, wellness, and breast cancer awareness education, as well as support for break cancer patients and their families.

Planned Chevy-sponsored events in October in support of Making Strides Against Breast Cancer:

Chevrolet and GM Employee Walks

All month, General Motors facilities, plants and warehouses across the country will participate in fund-raising walks.

Chevrolet Dealership Walks

Hundreds of dealerships have already signed up to sponsor teams in community walks throughout October with more expected to join. These walks alone accounted for more than half of the money raised in 2011 that went to Making Strides Against Breast Cancer. Those interested in participating in a Making Strides for Breast Cancer walk in their community can visit www.makingstrideswalk.org.

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